Chakra session

I offer a 60 minute Chakra session. Chakras are our energy centers that provide us in everytime with energy. If a chakra is not optimally opened or blocked or it spins in the wrong direction, that affects our health, emotions and our mind. This blockades can open in one or several sessions. So you can get more energy for your system.
Effects can be:  reducing anxieties, you have courage to do things, that you really want to do, you can speak out the truth, are more confident,  have more self-assertion, trust your inner feelings and many more

Usefull for

  • weekness
  • depression
  • tension
  • not be able to speak out things
  • hopelessness
  • anxieties
  • sleep disturbances


For a chakra session I take 60,-€


Bemalte Steine, Kraft und Energie für die Seele



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